Joincel should be stored under dry and clean conditions in its original packaging due to it's hygroscopic property. Avoid heat and moisture. Otherwise Joincel will absorb moisture relative to the humidity of the air. However,CE products are not perishable product....
Hypromellose is widely used as a binder for granulation, and is available in various viscosity grades for different purposes. Joinpure ® Hypromellose is easy to use as a film coating material and gives an excellent finish. It is very versatile, and is suitable for many applications....
Physical properties
Real specific gravity: 1.46
Apparent density: 0.45~0.70g/mL (tapped)
Solubility: HPC does not dissolve in water but swells. It neither dissolves nor swells in ordinary organic solvents, but dissolves in a 10% NaOH ...
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