About Meska
Meska Joinway Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. established in 2003, is a GMP certified manufacturer of pharmaceutical excipients. Joinway pharma is also a very famous producer of cellulose ethers products in China.

With these products, Joinway Pharma serves customers in many countries and has established stable relationship with these customers. Besides pharmaceutical industry, with our multi-functional product Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, Joinway is able to supply a lot of customers in several other industries, such as construction, paint, food and personal care industries etc. Meanwhile, Joinway Pharma constantly develops new applications and product solutions in partnership with our customers.

Copyright (C) 2021 Meska Joinway Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Tel: +86-572-257 5579 +86-572-257 5596    Fax: +86-572-222 8917
No. 366, Zijing road, Huzhou city, Zhejiang 313000 China E-mail: tina.wu@joinwaypharm.com   sales@joinwaypharm.com
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