
1. General info

2. Viscosity Types
Joinway supplying customers Joincel with a wide range of viscosity types.

Type Name Viscosity Range
400 4000 6000 10M 15M 20M 30M 40M 50M 60M 70M
300~500 3000~5000 5000~7000 9000~11000 11000~18000 15000~25000 25000~35000 35000~45000 45000~55000 55000~65000 65000~75000


3. Package
Packed with multi-layer paper bags, with polyethylene inner bag, net weight 25kg per bag.

4. Storage
Joincel should be stored under dry and clean conditions in its original packaging due to it's hygroscopic property. Avoid heat and moisture. Otherwise Joincel will absorb moisture relative to the humidity of the air. However, CE products are not perishable product. Joincel can keep it's original properties for a very long time provided it was stored in right conditions.

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